Build field workflows rapidly. Refine in real time.
Why our users rate TrueContext as the #1 mobile workflow platform for field service
Easy-to-configure workflows.
Fully operational in 8 weeks or less.

Deploy changes in seconds
Engage your field teams to continually refine your workflows. Changes made to live forms are instantly deployed so there is no lead time before technicians can use your new and improved workflows.

Accelerate new workflow deployment with templates
Quickly build and modify multiple copies of a similar set of questions, including conditional logic rules in those sections. Templates speed up form building and go-live and simplify management.
Leverage powerful conditional logic
Merge similar workflows into one by automating them to adapt based on input. Employ advanced operators like Regex matching to ensure accurate data capture and control the flow of a form. Trigger actions like question or section visibility and populate answers further ahead in the form.

Deliver visual in-form feedback to your field teams
Provide mobile users with visual feedback based on the data they enter. This feature gives out visible readings on critical form questions, such as asset conditions in an inspection workflow. Color codes also identify the severity of the problem to help technicians prioritize in the field.
Simplify data consolidation with Connections
Streamline the system integration process. Create new data destinations and sources to link workflows to external platforms without having to re-enter credentials by using existing Connections. This feature is perfect for organizations that use multiple data connections with the same service provider, such as Google or AWS.
Leverage out-of-the-box integrations to consolidate field and office data
Connect field data with enterprise platforms that help keep your business running.
How field leaders are leveraging rapid build and deploy workflows
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