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Tag: mobile forms
Supporting Safety with Preventative Maintenance
People underestimate the importance of small safety issues that can add up to big issues. When a plane crashes, for example, it’s often because a dozen smaller issues weren’t addressed that ultimately added up to landing gear failure. Preventative maintenance, combined with individual involvement in safety reporting, is quickly becoming the go-to way to protect…
The Top 5 Mobile Form Benefits
Making the switch from paper forms to mobile forms is done for a variety of reasons. But the most obvious ones are to increase productivity and to lower operational costs. Converting to digital forms on smartphones and tablets is no longer a trend, it’s the way of today’s business processes. Companies that are still using…
Top five reasons to replace paper forms with mobile forms
For years, paper forms were the way for enterprises and SMBs to collect data in the field. While limited in capability, alternatives to paper forms were either unavailable or too expensive. However, with the advent of smartphones and tablets, mobile forms have now emerged as a more productive, more efficient in-the-field option Here are the…
Streamline health and safety data collection and compliance reporting
Of all of the mobile business processes in the field and on job sites, there are perhaps no more critical ones than those related to health and safety. Whether it’s a safety inspection or time-sensitive incident reporting, HSE professionals are tasked with safeguarding an organization’s workforce and customers using safety data collection. The pitfalls of…
Fill out offline mobile forms with offline form app functionality
When it comes to mobile forms, there are several capabilities that are universally appreciated and utilized – no matter the industry. One such feature is the ability to fill out offline mobile forms with an offline form app. Using an offline form app goes hand in hand with offline mobile forms Offline application functionality refers…
5 Keys to Delivering Customer Success
As management consultant Peter Drucker once said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” And of course, the only way to keep a customer is to ensure customer success. It’s the one true common denominator of any customer who purchases a business solution. While each customer has a different set of…
Could Paper Cuts be Limiting Your Business?
Ouch! Got a paper cut the other day. Nasty sharp little pain that flared up every time my finger touched something. Too trivial for sympathy or a BandAid, but still, well, unwelcome. It was a bit weird since I don’t recall the last one; they used to be much more common. In fact, paper cuts…
Embrace the simpler life: paperless forms are changing our work-lives for the better
Growing up a red-blooded Canadian boy the 1980s meant I played hockey. Life was simpler then – except when it came to my hockey schedule. The schedule was a single typewritten sheet with each team’s name and game times, taped to the wall right under my Dad’s schedule of shift work. My Mom carefully highlighted…
Safety Workflow Trends: Use Preventative Maintenance to Keep Sites Safe
Safety in the field is about more than checking boxes on a form to pass compliance checks. It’s about keeping your team safe. That’s why it’s important to take preventative action towards a safer job site and preventing accidents before they happen. There are many safety workflow trends that allow you to consider factors that…