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Tag: workflows
Maximizing Efficiency: 4 Questions for Automated Field Service Workflows
In this blog, you’ll learn the top four tips for executing automated field service workflows for a more efficient and connected field service organization.
Automate workflows with TrueContext’s field intelligence platform
Did you know that as many as 90% of employees feel burdened by repetitive, recurring tasks? These routine jobs often leave teams feeling disengaged. Beyond the toll on morale, repeated tasks cost companies up to 19 working days per year per employee. No wonder everyone’s looking to resolve this situation with workflow automation. Workflow management…
ProntoForms workflows are data-generating workhorses for data currency
When Sir Francis Bacon coined the phrase “Knowledge is power,” he must have been talking about the incredible data maximizing power of ProntoForms workflows. Our agile app building capabilities empower citizen developers to rapidly build, launch, and iterate workflows based on feedback from field service technicians. ProntoForms workflows are like data-maximizing workhorses. If they were…
Important new enhancements to ProntoForms’ mobile search capabilities
Finding information can sometimes feel like a game of Marco Polo, except it’s much less fun when, say you’re a busy field technician who has been assigned a job and needs to find and claim an Incomplete Unassigned form submission and continue the job quickly and easily. Information needs to be free-flowing, and not just…
What is a firstline worker platform?
As digital transformation turns business processes upside down and inside out, working in isolation or siloed operations, or taking direction from top-down directives are all coming under the microscope. The fact is, like everything digital these days, the fundamental factor behind a successful technological transformation is connection—the relationship in which a person, thing, or idea…
Should I build or buy a mobile extension for Salesforce?
Management and IT have wrestled with the question of build versus buy since desktop computers first made their way into offices in the early 1980s. On the surface, while it may look like building an in-house proprietary app such as one used to create mobile forms to collect and/or leverage field data in Salesforce is…
How low-code application platforms are the new “tech-forward” disrupter
Digital transformation doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. In a recent McKinsey article: “How to become ‘tech forward’: A technology-transformation approach that works,” the authors write about reimagining, reinventing, and future-proofing business models—with technology at the crux of all three. This high-level vantage point was reached from the company’s recent survey of nearly 700…
Fireside Chat: The future of low-code application platforms in the field
During the last fireside chat, our product superstars gave the low down on LCAP and field service. This time, TrueContext’s Senior Product Manager and part-time horse whisperer Danielle Morley and Product Management VP Russ Halliday sit down around our metaphorical fireside (metaphorical marshmallows not included) to discuss the impact of low-code application platforms on the…
Could Paper Cuts be Limiting Your Business?
Ouch! Got a paper cut the other day. Nasty sharp little pain that flared up every time my finger touched something. Too trivial for sympathy or a BandAid, but still, well, unwelcome. It was a bit weird since I don’t recall the last one; they used to be much more common. In fact, paper cuts…