Powerful reporting for a competitive edge
Submission analytics is a sleek dashboard of data record submissions based on a single workflow—analyzed by time, status and/or outcome. Use the dashboard to uncover patterns and root causes of critical issues, then automatically send custom reports to stakeholders.

Reporting implementation gurus at your service
The Submission Analytics package comes with direct access to our analytics service setup team. Let our implementation gurus do the heavy lifting, leverage their experience to bring all your reporting requirements to life, in record time.
Their expertise? Connecting data collected in the field by ProntoForms-enabled workers, to our world-class Business Intelligence software.
What do you get? Automated, pre-scheduled reports on key metrics that are unique to your business.

Compare performance.
Report on submission outcomes.
Identify outliers.
Answer questions like:
- For a certain type of repair, is the number of unplanned events increasing or decreasing?
- Which field team is most often contributing to low satisfaction for a certain installation task?
- What is our compliance score for EHS-type inspections?
Need more analytics firepower?
Multi-dimensional, multi-workflow, and multi-faceted analytics to power executive decsion making.
“(Over 50 apps deployed) In the past, if I had to deploy an app without that flexible technology, it would take months and a minimum of $300,000.”

Ready to unleash productivity?
Book a 15-minute chat to learn how you can make TrueContext work for you.