CSS, PHP, C++. Sure. They’re nice and look great on a resume if you want to become a developer, but rest assured, you don’t need to be a coder to use our low-code platform and DREL.
OK. If you consider yourself a Citizen Developer and want to use a little bit of code, who are we to stop you?
Well, well, well. Check out DREL for your form submissions
There’s an option to enhance your Form Submission experience using Data Reference Expression Language, or DREL for short. DREL is our proprietary language you can use to build expressions that include form metadata and question answers.
Use DREL to create custom documents in any format to pull data from your submitted forms. With DREL, you can build a document to display information in an easy-to-read format, such as a custom XML format or custom HTML invoice.
DREL truly shines when you use it to create expressions that reference information about form submissions, such as metadata and question answers. Check out this article for a quick summary of all the references and properties supported by ProntoForms. To go even deeper, we recommend investigating the complete reference list.
Expand your potential with two new DREL references
While there are already quite a few references available for you to use, we can’t stop innovating and have added two new references to further expand your possibilities.
%c for mobile device information
This reference is useful when you want to return information about the mobile device from which the user submitted a form. This data includes information such as the device model, model number, operating system, operating system version, and version of the ProntoForms mobile app being run on the device.
%g for geo location information
This reference returns the GeoStamp collected when a user submits a form. Information gathered includes data such as the address, coordinates, date and time when the system collected the Geo location and how the system acquired the Geo location.
The sky’s the limit
The beauty of ProntoForms’ field-focused platform is that there’s always something new to discover. Here are three ways to accelerate your understanding of DREL to solve business problems faster.
- Check out our eBook, ‘The what, why, and how of DREL.’ This guide takes you through everything you need to know to get started or increase your knowledge.
- Take a look at our Product Documentation Portal and discover how our product is used, what it does, and how to achieve your business goals.
- Join the ProntoForms Community. It’s the ideal place for you to chat about DREL with other citizen developers, share what you know, and discover best practices.