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Tag: inspections
Top 4 Benefits of Mobile Inspection Software
When you think about it, it’s not that surprising that so many field service companies are now using mobile inspection software. Whether it’s because of stricter safety rules, higher customer expectations, or more complex assets, field operations are getting more complicated and costlier to manage than ever. In this blog, we’ll look at the top…
A success story in streamlining asset inspections and auditing processes
Ben Franklin was really onto something when he said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This statement is highly applicable when it comes to asset management. Undertaking regular asset inspections and audits ensures equipment is running as it should. Failure to do so comes at too great of a cost to…
TrueContext fuels efforts to improve turnarounds and shutdowns
Many oil and gas companies share the goal to improve turnarounds (TAR) and shutdowns. These are complex undertakings with numerous moving parts that they must coordinate. With an abundance of complex repairs and mechanical adjustments that must be done precisely, safely, and across thousands of lines, these initiatives often rely upon the work of thousands…
Presenting our latest feature: Repeat Row Copy
Field technicians and field engineers need all the help they can get. Their work is only growing more complex and plentiful. ProntoForms’ aim is to equip them with the digital tools they need to complete their work efficiently and effectively. To this end, we’ve launched a new feature that’s going to save them valuable time…
A facility or facilities inspection checklist ensures successful reopenings
The end of the pandemic is in sight. Plans to reopen mean we’re on the path to get back to business. We’re seeing many companies enter the tactical phase to prepare their facilities for the return to full-scale operations. Despite this optimism, we can’t lose sight of the continued risk. All procedures and protocols established…
Calculations & string concatenation questions in customer feedback & site readiness forms
We’ve added new functionality to our customer feedback and site readiness forms. These web-based customer-facing forms now offer calculations and string concatenation questions. The same great taste that was only available in our app-based forms is now freshly baked into our web-based forms. What does this mean exactly? In short, you can now use…
Building inspection checklists: Guidance during COVID-19
Building facility management checklists are probably bringing on cluster headaches for field inspection operators these days, regardless of whether it’s a healthcare facility (hospitals, nursing homes and the like), a residential tower, a commercial block, or a manufacturing plant. The essential elements of a comprehensive building maintenance inspection checklist cover: Exterior issues like lighting, entrances…
Put construction safety software in the hands of your technicians
Construction safety is incredibly important. The 2016 Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) found one in five workplace fatalities occurred in the construction industry. That rate hasn’t changed much. More than two years later, EHS Today reported out of 4,779 worker fatalities in 2018, 1,008 or 21% were, again, in construction. Slim margins and…
Supporting Safety with Preventative Maintenance
People underestimate the importance of small safety issues that can add up to big issues. When a plane crashes, for example, it’s often because a dozen smaller issues weren’t addressed that ultimately added up to landing gear failure. Preventative maintenance, combined with individual involvement in safety reporting, is quickly becoming the go-to way to protect…