In our continued dedication to ensuring that ProntoForms remains the leading mobile forms business solution, we regularly release updates to our application and platform.
One key impending new improvement affects email destinations. As ProntoForms users are well aware, workers in the field can instantly share collected data via email with administrators and other team members. But up until now, email connectivity was limited to public options.
“Rather than the ProntoForms server sending the data destination email over public email channels, which to date, was the only option we were providing, the email message will now instead be able to be sent over a secure connection directly to a customer’s corporate email server. This new option takes advantage of the simplicity of email, but now transmits it over a secure channel to the enterprise,” explained Glenn Chenier, ProntoForms VP of Research and Development
For enterprises with high level security requirements, this new email option is a much welcomed email destination improvement.
This new email update is slated to launch in October 2012.
Be sure to check our Community for the latest ProntoForms application and platform updates.
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