We all appreciate the efforts of our local police and fire departments. But, do we truly appreciate the efforts of various safety and security forces? Whether it’s a private security force assigned to an event or small town security personnel assigned to safeguard their citizens, these brave men and women also play an important role to play in our society.
However, one of their tasks while on patrol is form completing. Security workers regularly document incidents and take statements. Rather than fill out paper forms, some security operations are going the mobile forms route with ProntoForms and secure mobile forms.
Secure mobile forms can make a big difference
Using mobile form features such as photo capture, signature capture and geo and time stamps, security workers can gather several pieces of key information quickly and easily.
When you’re out in the field and patrolling a particular territory, time is always of the essence. The more time spent filling out paperwork, the less time spent protecting citizens.
Trust mobile forms security
In addition, with the instant communication capabilities of ProntoForms, security managers, team members and even other law enforcement departments can receive critical information faster.
Plus, taking the burden off of field security personnel to carry around stacks of paper is also a positive. Instead, all mobile forms are readily available on mobile devices, always within reach.
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