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Author: TrueContext Editorial Team
The Internet of Things: capturing value in the field
In the last 20 years, we’ve seen innovation in technology that we’d only imagined in science fiction. Though we don’t have flying cars, we do have everyday objects housing computers that can talk to each other. This constant flow of data between devices, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), is underpinned by network-enabled sensors…
Minimal means mobile. Concentrate on the essentials — with mobile forms
Simplicity and freedom. These are coveted goals for any organization, so it’s no wonder that the minimalist business movement is getting a lot of traction. Minimalism means purging your business of excesses to cut overhead and run the leanest operation possible. It’s about focusing on what you offer – and not day-to-day minutia. Leveraging technology…
Go mobile to go green: Four ways mobile solutions reduce waste
If you’re a regular follower of our blog, you know that we’re fond of debunking business myths. One of these myths is that going green takes a real toll on the bottom line. This is the kind of rumor that can prevent businesses from making meaningful investments in sustainability. The reality: with the rise of…
Enhance training for field service workers: Cut the tether and go mobile
Properly-trained employees maximize your ROI, while an undertrained workforce invites middling productivity, non-compliance, and employee turnover – all of which can have a negative impact on your bottom line. But training programs have to be properly designed and implemented, or they can rack up needlessly high costs. Person-to-person training involves diverting employees from other tasks…
Avoid five field service turn-offs that send customers running
According to Accenture, 81% of consumers who took their business elsewhere said the company they left could have done something differently. That applies to all industries – including field services. To keep your clients coming back, here are five turn-offs to avoid. 1. Can’t fix problem on first visit A recent survey of over 4,000…
Getting your business some young blood: How to onboard and keep Millennials
In my last post, I deconstructed five myths about Millennials that should have been buried in the rose garden a long time ago. Today, I’m going to show you how you can attract some of this young blood to your company, and even keep them around for a while – a task that has been…
Gauge and enhance customer satisfaction – with mobile forms
Your business has benchmarks and goals. But it can be difficult to measure how you’re trending against these objectives. It’s simple to measure whether you’ve cut costs or improved the bottom line, as these metrics are quantifiable. Gauging customer satisfaction is less straight forward. It’s an experience, which can be difficult to quantify. But it’s…
ProntoForms Analytics: Interactive insights at your fingertips
There are transformative insights hidden within the layers of field data your teams have collected, but you need to act quickly or the data will be outdated. Best practices of data-driven operations call for those insights to be quickly identified and acted on. ProntoForms Analytics is a feature-rich, scalable cloud infrastructure that quickly aggregates and…