As companies are constantly searching for areas in which to cut back on, an emerging trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) was sprung up.
The increase in business applications (such as ProntoForms), coupled with more versatile security options, have allowed workers to use their personal mobile devices for work purposes.
It used to be that you had to carry your own smartphone and one issued by your employer. But BYOD is a shift towards less firms mandating that their employees utilize a company phone. The result is that business IT departments are focusing more on supporting and safeguarding their company’s preferred mobile applications in deployment, and less on the maintenance and continued purchase of company smartphones.
From the ProntoForms perspective, we believe that are still positioned as the leader in mobile forms. Since ProntoForms supports all leading smartphones and tablets, we’re not averse to working with clients that have multiple types of devices in the field. In fact, many of our customers currently use ProntoForms across several types of operating systems and mobile devices.
Of course, certain enterprises, government agencies and institutions will always cite security concerns as the main reason not to endorse a BYOD workplace policy.
Still debating the merits of BYOD versus company-issued devices? Consider this thoughtful PC World article on this lively debate.
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