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Tag: conditional logic
Fireside Chat: The future of low-code application platforms in the field
During the last fireside chat, our product superstars gave the low down on LCAP and field service. This time, TrueContext’s Senior Product Manager and part-time horse whisperer Danielle Morley and Product Management VP Russ Halliday sit down around our metaphorical fireside (metaphorical marshmallows not included) to discuss the impact of low-code application platforms on the…
Top 5 features of the best mobile forms app
Great features work to optimize workflow, not clutter it. There are countless mobile forms apps on the market, and many of which have “bells and whistles.” So, what are the most useful features to look for when considering a mobile form app? Here are — in no particular order — the top five features that…
Using conditional logic & analytics to improve compliance
Being lax on compliance is expensive: fines from OSHA, worker’s compensation, and downtime from broken equipment or insufficient personnel add up. Sometimes, though, the list of requirements can seem unattainable, either from lack of safety personnel, or a need to power through and get the job done. It takes a lot of man hours to…